Recipes from a passionate home cook
Recipe for easy weeknight ramen and udon noodle soup

Easy express weeknight ramen

My super quick ramen noodle soup recipe could not be more simple, yet somehow a homemade version of this dish always feels somewhat special and looks impressive. I should start by sharing a disclaimer, this recipe is by no means traditional, but I promise the smell will make you believe otherwise. As a big fan of Japanese food and ramen, I always wanted to make this dish at home, but the long list of seemingly impossible to find ingredients and the many steps to perfecting the broth always ...

Recipe for homemade spinach tortellini with butternut squash filling and sage

Homemade spinach tortellini with butternut squash filling and sage

Today I’m sharing with you a recipe of mine that I believe to be a true showstopper! I am a big fan of green spinach pasta, largely because of its beautiful and bright colour, for which I shared my recipe with you over here and I had the idea to use this for a tortellini dish. For this recipe, I wanted create a filling equally as bright but contrasting in colour to have a little ‘surprise element’ once you cut into these tortellini’s. I instantly thought of butternut ...

Recipe for fresh green (spinach) pasta dough

This beautifully bright green variation on classic Italian pasta dough is called la pasta verde and is naturally coloured using fresh spinach. The recipe isn't hugely different from its regular version and can be used to make any shape of pasta, though I love using it for filled pasta (recipe coming up) in contrast with a bright filling or sauce. It makes perfect long-shaped pasta to eat with simple, colour-less sauces too.

Carrot risotto with cherry tomatoes

I love risottos and while there are countless variations, I tend to stick to the same three flavours. At home, I’ll either make tomato or mushroom risotto, and eating out it would be unusual for me to skip a golden Risotto Milanese if I find it on the menu. Recently I tried to find a different take on risotto and got inspired by seeing some recipes with carrot as the main ingredient, but couldn’t find the perfect one so decided to try and make my own recipe for carrot and tomato ...

Dutch apple and cinnamon pie

The smell of this Dutch apple and cinnamon pie with vanilla and lemon instantly brings up so many good childhood memories, and is also the very reason this recipe should be your next baking experiment. When I was little, we used to bake some version of this recipe for occasions ranging from a family birthday to simply a rainy Sunday afternoon and was very much loved by my whole family, and still is. It is very simple to make and truly foolproof, but to me the combination of the sweetness, ...